What Your Recruiter Needs from You: Honesty
Honesty is always the best policy!
As a recruiter, I want my candidates to know I am here for them. My main objective is to find a job you actually want to go to and succeed in. Barracuda has built a reputation of finding the perfect fit for all. In order to maintain that reputation, honesty is a must. Our clients fully disclose to us what they are looking for because if they leave anything out it’s difficult to find the right fit. The same holds true for candidates. If a candidate leaves out crucial factors that relate to their job search during the initial interview with a recruiter, it makes the task of putting the pieces together for the “perfect fit” near impossible.
Know what you’re hoping for!
In my experience, I have come across indecisive candidates which prolongs the process for getting them placed. I suggest coming into the interview prepared. Knowing what job you want and setting expectations with your recruiter is key. If a candidate says, “I will do anything,” that does not give the recruiter anything to work on. If you know you are unable to work a first shift because you have obligations, be up front with your recruiter. If you need to stay within a certain distance to your home, this needs to be addressed. Without proper direction of what your needs are, a recruiter can spend a lot of time finding everything except the perfect fit.
Communicate with us!
Communication is the number one roadblock in the recruiter/candidate relationship. Your recruiter wants to see you land the job that you want and will succeed at. Clear expectations of the wage you need should be addressed. Do not settle or sell yourself short. Speak up and your recruiter will listen. You should be completely candid with your recruiter. You will be amazed with the speed a recruiter can get you placed when everything is laid on the table.
At Barracuda we love seeing our candidates at the same company years later. We want to end your job search immediately and put you on the path to grow in your field. Honesty is the best policy to make this happen.