Questions in Your Interview

Barracuda offers valuable assistance in preparing for interview questions.

Ace interview questions with Barracuda’s insights. Maximize your preparation and land your dream job.

All the hard work and preparation has been put in, and now it’s your time to shine. It’s important for the candidate to understand that an interview is a two-way street. It is a lot like the dating process. You want to make sure the opportunity is a good fit for both parties, and that there is long term potential. Presenting yourself in a trustworthy manner is very important in establishing relationship credibility.

Prepare Beforehand

Coming prepared for your interview is very important. It is recommended that a candidate bring along their resume, a print out of their credentials, and bring out a writing utensil and paper. This will show to the interviewer that you are prepared, and you value the insight you’ll learn during the interview. If you do not prepare to ask questions, the candidate will run the risk of the interviewer assuming the candidate is not interested or unprepared.

An Interview at Barracuda Staffing

Typically an interview with Barracuda Staffing is more a meet and greet with your recruiter. It is important that you let the recruiter know what you are looking for. You want to equip your recruiter with key selling points that they can utilize in marketing you towards the open position. If you are not sure what questions to ask in your formal interview, you can always consult with your recruiter for guidance. Your recruiter understands the critical details of the position that go beyond the job description. It is also the responsibility of the candidate to do their homework prior to going in for the formal interview with the client.

Goal: Two Questions (or more)

When you go in for your formal interview with the client, it is recommended that you have a minimum of two questions prepared. Here are some general ideas that will help you get a sense of direction. Keep in mind that the best questions to ask are focused, precise yet open ended. Here are a few examples.

  1. What are the key qualities some one must possess to excel in this role?
  2. What are the day to day responsibilities, and tasks of this position?
  3. What are your expectations for this role during the initial 30 days, 60 days, the first year?
  4. How would you describe the company culture of this organization?
  5. What direction do you see this company headed in the next 5 years?
  6. What are the biggest challenges, and opportunities facing this company and his department?
  7. What do you like most about working for this company?
  8. What is the next step in the interview process?

Generally, most candidates will ask about the salary and benefits of the position that they are interviewing for in the formal interview. Make sure that you ask your recruiter first so they can set the expectations prior to the interview.

Barracuda offers valuable assistance in preparing for interview questions. Our expert guidance helps you craft impressive responses, boosting your confidence and enhancing your chances of interview success.