Your Employee Offboarding Checklist

Employee Offboarding Checklist

What happens when employees exit your company? It’s not just a matter of a farewell lunch and a handshake (although those can be part of it too if circumstances warrant). Having a firm plan for employee offboarding provides consistent employee experiences and protects the company from experiencing any challenges in the wake of an employee departure. Streamline employee exits: Use an offboarding checklist for a smooth transition. Ensure compliance and leave a positive impression.


Communicate an Upcoming Employee Exit

It’s a good idea for managers or human resources to tell employees that someone is leaving. That way, rumors, and imperfectly circulated information won’t arise.

Have the Employee Return Any Company Property

If the employee has been granted the use of equipment (laptops, for example), have procedures in place for getting them back and documenting that they have been returned. It’s a good idea to ask the employee and then designate a manager to follow up and ascertain the return of the property.

Plan for Training of a Replacement

Discuss the plan for the training of a replacement. If a candidate is already available, the employee or a manager could train the new person when the employee is still around to answer questions. If a hiring process needs to be completed first, ask the departing employee to create training documents and a list of where necessary information and items can be found.

Secure Your Systems and Buildings

It’s important to secure your systems and buildings against unauthorized use or access. The fact is if the employee leaves and is still allowed to log on to your system or enter a building accessible by keys or passcodes only, your company risks being compromised. It’s not a black mark against the employee, either; a person they don’t know could gain entry through their access. Make sure that any passcodes or logins, including shared ones, are disabled. Take back any keys and disable any cards that enable access.

Finalize Payroll

The employee should be given a final paycheck, of course. Then finalize payroll by removing the employee. Many companies carry very outdated and inaccurate payroll lists.

Provide Any Exit Documentation

If your company provides proof of service letters of recommendation, be sure to set that up so the employee has it on the exit date.

Show Appreciation for Their Service

Company customs vary, but most provide some kind of appreciation for the service of a departing employee (assuming they are leaving on good terms). It could be a thank-you letter or even a gift card. Whatever appreciation method you use, be sure it is used consistently. Your goal is to increase morale, not to make some people feel left out.

Let a Consulting Firm Help

Do you need help developing your employee offboarding checklist? Let a consulting firm like Barracuda Staffing & Consulting help you craft a consistent and fair system that will aid in retention and risk management.