Looking for Jobs in Tulsa, OK: The Importance of Medical Benefits
Seeking jobs in Tulsa, OK? Learn how the importance of medical benefits is crucial in today’s healthcare landscape. Explore more in our blog.
As health care costs across the US continue to rise, some state governments might have to cut corners in the near future so that their budgets don’t get strained. This is true in Oklahoma, as Gov. Mary Fallin recently proposed a five percent reduction in the Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s (OHCA) budget for 2014. According to an article in The Republic, this would result in the OHCA operating on $47 million less this year than last year, despite the agency’s earlier request for an additional funding of $144 million this year.
This development should motivate those who are looking for gainful jobs in Tulsa, OK to put greater stock on the health benefits provided by prospective employers, knowing that state benefits may no longer be enough. Oklahomans who want better employment health care should consider working with direct hire agencies like Barracuda Staffing who can point them in the right direction.
These agencies know that good health benefits are just as important to employees as office perks, pensions, and vacation leaves. Not all companies can provide these benefits in equal measure, and working with employment agencies can present jobseekers with options they can choose from.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that jobseekers do not need to do some legwork of their own. It is still their responsibility to maintain personal health insurance even when they’re unemployed, or they could end up relying on a family member’s insurance or short-term health plans. A 2001 study revealed that nearly half of all personal bankruptcies in the US were due to medical expenses, and it is likely that this number has increased since then, what with the fairly-recent housing bubble and recession striking a huge blow to the country’s economy.
Health benefits from rewarding jobs in Tulsa and elsewhere should at least provide for major medical expenses such as surgeries and hospitalization, while the rest of the expenses may be picked up by the employee’s own health insurance policy.
(Source: Medical benefits, doctor reimbursement rates expected to drop under Fallin health care plan, The Republic, February 05, 2014)